ホット パック 効果 - 乾式ホットパックで業務効率アップ!簡単操作なホットパックを整形外科クリニックに導入するメリット

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効果 ホット パック ホットパック:hot packs

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効果 ホット パック 簡単キレイ! アロマホットフェイシャルスチーム

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効果 ホット パック 肩や腰を温熱するホットパックの効果と作り方、禁忌まとめ

効果 ホット パック リハビリで使える!ホットパックの効果、禁忌と適応、使用方法について解説

CiNii Articles


The high specific heat gives the gel a large heat capacity, and the absence of convection makes it possible to convey the thermal energy to the body slowly. Among various types of thermotherapy, hotpack therapy is often used because of its simplicity and ease of application. In silica gel that contains water, convection of water molecules is prevented by semi-solidification in a gel state. A study of the optimal treatment time for hotpack therapy was conducted using three indicators, namely, skin temperature, deep temperature, and blood flow under the skin, all of which are characteristics of heat transfer in hotpack therapy. Deep temperature was higher 30min after completion of therapy than before therapy. The skin temperature and deep temperature on the opposite side from the treated area were also measured at the same time to study the changes in other areas. Both skin temperature and deep temperature showed some rise on the opposite side. The volume of blood flow under the skin increased to its maximum 30min after starting the therapy, and although it gradually decreased, the volume after the completion of therapy was higher than that before therapy. Deep temperature reached its maximum 26min after starting the therapy, maintained the same until 1min after the completion of therapy, and then gradually decreased. The experiment was carried out by measuring the skin temperature, deep temperature, and blood flow under the skin when hotpack therapy was given on the lower right leg for 30min, and the optimal treatment time was obtained based on the changes in these indicators. Skin temperature was higher 30min after the completion of therapy than before therapy. The silica gel used in this method is a porous substance that has an extremely high specific heat. Based on these results, a hotpack therapy time of 20-30min is considered necessary. The results revealed that the skin temperature reached its maximum 18min after starting the therapy, maintained the same temperature for 9min, and then gradually decreased after the completion of therapy. The results also confirmed that thermal stimulus by hotpack therapy is effective in parts at some distance from the treated area.。





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簡単キレイ! アロマホットフェイシャルスチーム [アロマテラピー] All About

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