2 ,0px 24px 38px 3px rgba var --ipt-baseAlt-rgb ,0. Lori rothman on godaddy skipping sexy when it comes to superbowl ads. Ex stanford university student brock turner registered as a sex offender in his hometown of bellbrook ohio days after he left a california jail after serving three months for felony sexual assault. 35rem;min-width:2rem;cursor:pointer;top:. 2s;-webkit-transition:transform 0. Lori rothman on godaddy skipping sexy when it comes to superbowl ads. Ex stanford university student brock turner registered as a sex offender in his hometown of bellbrook ohio days after he left a california jail after serving three months for felony sexual assault. 5;-webkit-transition:opacity 0. 2s;-webkit-transition:opacity 0. 1s;-webkit-transition:transform 0. 5rem;min-height:32px;height:20px;border-right:1px solid rgba 0,0,0,0. 14 ,0px 9px 46px 8px rgba var --ipt-baseAlt-rgb ,0. 2s cubic-bezier 1,1,1,1 ;transition:opacity. 5 ;-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 0. 3s,box-shadow 0s;transition:all 0. 35rem;-webkit-transition:all 0. 12s ease-in;transition:color 0.。